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                                  The first social insurance program in Taiwan– labor insurance – began in

                                  1950. Since its implementation, the statutes governing the labor insurance
                                  system have undergone revisions several times in response to social
                                  changes and economic development. These amendments have expanded
                                  the range of insurance beneficiaries, gradually increased different types

                                  of benefits, progressively lowered requirements of benefits payment
                                  and brought about greater protection for laborers'  work and lives. Labor
                                  insurance lifted the curtain on our country's social insurance system. As
                                  various social security systems were promoted, the delegated businesses

                                  operated by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor have
                                  increased and diversified. The Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of
                                  Labor's organization has thus been increasingly growing in size, providing
                                  protection and services for laborers. The following sections will introduce

                                  the organizational structure, business profile, and future perspectives of the
                                  Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor (hereinafter referred to as BLI).

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